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1.3. ATC Ratings

Controllers are categorized by their permanent rating, Khaleej vACC follows the Global Controller Adminstration Policy (GCAP) set by VATSIM which indicates:

Developing Controller (S1): Gives the ability to control DEL/GND positions.

Aerodrome Controller (S2): Gives the ability to control tower positions + Solo validation to control APP/DEP position.

Terminal Controller (S3): Gives the ability to control DEP/APP positions + Solo validation to control CTR/Enroute position.

Enroute Controller (C1): Gives the ability to control enroute position or a CTR.

Senior Controller (C3): A further rating granted by divisions which does not have any increased privileges associated.

For your information!

There are more ATC ratings that do not have defined competentcies by the GCAP, such as Instructor 1 (I1), Senior Instructor (I3).

These ratings are additional qualilifications achievable through specific requirements outlined in the VATMENA ATC Divisional Policy.